Saturday 15 September 2018



As previous week, i have some meeting with my supervisor regarding on Chapter 2. Last week, it was a mid sem break so this week is about a meeting with a Dr.Imran once again with all the students that taking FYP1, This meeting was held in TTL1 with the all the coordinator that involve in FYP1,

Summary of the meeting :
1) In this meeting, Dr. Imran has brief about Literature Review and Methodology.

2) Literature Review :
It has to be at least 10 articles that related to the project that you want to do.
The thesis should be determines what is knownabout a subject,concept or problem.
Determines gaps,consistencies & inconsistencies about the product.
The purpose of Literature Review is to show that you haveread the work of other researchers in my particular area of product.

3) Methodology:
Methodology is divide into 2 which is Qualitative Research and Quantitave Research
Qualitative Research : Investigate the why and how of decision making, not just what, where,when.
Quantitative Research : To develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypothesis pertaining to phenomena.
Methodology is focusing in Background Knowledge , Sample Preparation, and lastly Data Collection method which is consist of block diagram and flow chart.

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