Friday 15 March 2019

WEEK 6 (FYP 2)


Activity :The block diagram has to be redefine to give clearer view of the overall functionality of the system. Schematic design also done in this week. 

Objective :
To identify overall system of the project.
To identify connection between component.


Block Diagram

After the some component was changed and added which is nodemcu and relay, i decided to change the block diagram. the new block diagram is shown in picture above. 
From the block diagram above, the prototype will work when there is signal detected by the sensor. The signal detected in this project is the gas leakage, smoke, or fire at the industry. After the sensor detects the fire or gas leakage beyond safe level, the data will send to Nodemcu microcontroller. Nodemcu microcontroller instantly turn on the prevention system. Exhaust fan will turn on when gas is detected so the gases are sent out to open air, when fire are detected, Nodemcu microcontroller will activate water sprinkler and The Esp8266 which is already built-in on Nodemcu will sends notifications to alert users through mobile apps which are Blynk app.

Schematic Diagram

The MQ-2 sensor which is the gas sensor is connected to analog input of the nodemcu microcontroller. The flame sensor is connected to digital input of the nodemcu microcontroller. If fire is appeared, it will sense the fire and send to nodemcu microcontroller. It will connected to the 2 channel relay module. 2 channel relay module is required for this project. It can control the output. Which means when the gas or fire detect, the relay module will triggered what output should turn on whether water pump or fan. The relay module will connected to digital output of the nodemcu microcontroller. 

This can conclude that the updated block diagram is done and ready to be used on the poster later on an industrial day for presentation

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