Friday 26 October 2018



To get the information of hardware and software
To know the ability of the component and process of the project


Below is the main hardware description and function :

1)  Arduino Uno
Arduino UNO is used in this project as a main brain for the system. It controls the whole process of the system. The Arduino Uno is based on the ATmega328P microchip. Its easy to use and learn. The board is programmable by arduino IDE software in computer.

2) MQ-6 Gas Sensor

MQ-6 is the gas sensor. This module is useful for gas leakage detection. The sensor has a ability to sense or detect any types of gases included H2, LPG, CH4, CO, Alcohol, Smoke, and Propane. The sensitivity sensor can be adjusted by potentionmeter.

3) IR based Flame Sensor

the sensor use for detect the fire is an IR base flame sensor. It is based on a sensor YG1006 which is has a high speed and high sensitive of silicon phototransistor. It can detect infrared light with a wavelength between 700nm to 1000nm and its angular detection is about 60 °.

4) Cytron ESP8266 WiFi Shield 
The ESP8266 is the WiFi microchip module. It is compatible to microcontroller such as the Arduino Uno that used in this project. The ESP8266 module give the Arduino Uno to access the internet network.

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