Saturday 4 May 2019

WEEK 12 (FYP 2)


After complete my presentation last week , it is time to focus on my thesis which is i am doing result and discussion. On this thesis , i have receive a lot of guidance from my supervisor.


In this chapter, i have shown all the tables , bar chart and tabulation data based on my output at my prototype. I also has explained the details of the results to make sure the reader can understand about the output. I am using table to show the difference between the reading and also i am doing the separate tables to indicate green , yellow and red level of reading data.

In this chapter, i have write the flow of my prototype based on my flow chart and block diagram at Chapter 3: Methodology. In this chapter also i have write about the trouble and problem that i have found and succeed to encounter it until i can do the troubleshooting on my prototype

The process to make a chapter 4 and 5 will take a time to finish it in order to explain the result briefly and roughly. This chapter will continue in next week.

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