Saturday 25 May 2019

WEEK 15 (FYP 2)


On this week, i have done the correction of my thesis and also checking my plagiarism with my supervisor.


1) Correction of my thesis
I'm so glad to having a very helpful and ambitious supervisor because he have checking my thesis last week. So i have doing the correction at the certain mistakes that i make.

2) Doing a margin by following a format
The Final Year Project coordinator which is Dr.Punitha has giving the FYP thesis format for all the students to followed the guidelines. I have followed the guidelines that has been given and i have shows it to my supervisor and he really satisfied with my works.

3) Checking plagiarism at Turnitin
My supervisor has done checking my plagiarism percentage and it was acceptable because it is under 20%


My supervisor has been satisfied with my works and approved me to print out the hardcover to submitting the FYP thesis.

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