Saturday 9 March 2019

WEEK 5 (FYP 2)


Activity :
On this week, i have attend the workshop briefing and also update my fyp report on chapter 3 which is methodology. It was a busy week but i managed to encounter the busy in successful ways.

Content :
1) Workshop Briefing 

     This workshop is held at :
     a) Location - TTL 2
     b) Date - 6/3/2019
     c) Time - 3pm - 5pm
     d) Co-ordinator - Dr.Marwangi and Dr. Imran

In this workshop, Dr.Marwangi has teach us how to do the :-
 a) Results & Discussion (Chapter 4)\
 b) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
 c) Abstract in Thesis Writing

Conlusion :

All this week task has been run smoothly and the report also has been update for chapter 3 on component list. The workshop briefing also has been attend and get some input to the report later.

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