Saturday 16 February 2019

WEEK 2 (FYP 2)


 - To briefing of FYP handbook, Project Development, Progress Report, Final Report, Attendance, Assessment forms.

 - This meeting was held was by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.
 - Student need to update the logbook/blog regularly
 - Student must meet supervisor for consultation
 - Attendance that below than 80% will be bared
 - Fyp assessment :

1) Types of Assessments - i) Results & Discussion (Chapter 4)
                                           ii) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
                                           iii) Abstract in Thesis Writing
                                           iv) Exhibition Day (Tips & Tricks) 
                                           v) Final Report & Technical Paper.

2) Marks Weightage - i) Presentation - 35 %
                                   ii) Log Book - 20 %
                                   iii) Report - 35 % 
                                   iv) Technical Paper - 10 %

3) Industry Day (presentation)

  • + presentation and demonstration of Final Year Project II will be on week 14, Wednesday ( 4 January 2017)
  • + Student have to prepare FYP poster, results of project and prototype.


As a conclusion, the briefing was done by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.. The objective was successfully achieved.

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