On this week, i have submit my hardcover thesis and my technical report to the library and the FYP-Cordinator.
-Upload the softcopy to the FYP Unikl online and burn the document in the CD-ROM
In this task, i have submit all the documents in the thesis which is the softcopy of the thesis, technical report, poster presentation, schematic diagram, coding and also product of my project picture. After submitting it, i have do the uploading the document into the CD-ROM for library copy.
-Submit the hardcover Thesis and Technical Report
I have submitted softcopy and hardcopy to my supervisor for him to marking and checking. Next, i have submit all the documents such as hardcover and CD-ROM to the library. The technical report has been submitted to the FYP-Coordinator which is Dr. Imran
i have settle and done my Final Year Project for the 2 semester which is i very thankful for complete it. I want to say thank you to all the people that always supporting me through up and down especially me family, my supervisor Dr Punitha and also my friends. This project is also make me proud because i have success to build it. Thank you also to all the readers that have been read my journey for completing my Final Year Project which is Development of IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System.