Tuesday, 27 November 2018



To complete the CLP course learning Program.
To Fulfill the complete subject of FYP 1

Basically nothing much in this week. The Project Proposal was submitted to Madam Dr Punitha. After the submission, I continued on how to develop my system. From all the research I’ve made, I was trying to create the system. This log book will be continued on the next semester and it will be about my developing of the system.

Then, the progress was continue to keep this project ongoing and progress report will be continue in next semester. In next semester, this blog will be update to show the progress of the Final year project product. The prototype will be develop and design to make this project success base on the research that have been done in this semester.

Special THANKS to Dr Punithavathi  for helping me throughout the process!

Thursday, 8 November 2018



Survey the component price at store and  online shop.
Checking the release mark for presentation slide FYP 1


Below is the estimated price for the project.

The mark for presentation slide has been release. the mark for my presentation slide is 73.5% over 35% of coursework.

Friday, 2 November 2018



Research about software will use in the project.
Learn about software application in the project

The software will use in the project is Arduino IDE software and Blynk App.

1) Arduino IDE 

Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.

2) Blynk App

.  Blynk is a IoT Platform that can be downloaded on a iOS or Android devices. Blynk server will be send data from the sensor to give notification to the user. An apps that can control the Arduino over the internet. Control hardware remotely, display sensor data, store data, visualize it and etc. 

Friday, 26 October 2018



To get the information of hardware and software
To know the ability of the component and process of the project


Below is the main hardware description and function :

1)  Arduino Uno
Arduino UNO is used in this project as a main brain for the system. It controls the whole process of the system. The Arduino Uno is based on the ATmega328P microchip. Its easy to use and learn. The board is programmable by arduino IDE software in computer.

2) MQ-6 Gas Sensor

MQ-6 is the gas sensor. This module is useful for gas leakage detection. The sensor has a ability to sense or detect any types of gases included H2, LPG, CH4, CO, Alcohol, Smoke, and Propane. The sensitivity sensor can be adjusted by potentionmeter.

3) IR based Flame Sensor

the sensor use for detect the fire is an IR base flame sensor. It is based on a sensor YG1006 which is has a high speed and high sensitive of silicon phototransistor. It can detect infrared light with a wavelength between 700nm to 1000nm and its angular detection is about 60 °.

4) Cytron ESP8266 WiFi Shield 
The ESP8266 is the WiFi microchip module. It is compatible to microcontroller such as the Arduino Uno that used in this project. The ESP8266 module give the Arduino Uno to access the internet network.

Thursday, 18 October 2018



Before the presentation day, student are given number of table and the assessors that will assess nn presentation day.

My table number was 91. The presentation started at 2.30 pm at Gemilang Hall.
The assessors that assessed me is Dr. Muhd Khairulzaman bin Abdul Kadir and Dr. Shah Jawad Ali.

Information about assessors :

During the presentation, the presentation is going smoothly and followed by its planned. The Q&A session between me and the assessor also going well. The presentation takes about 30 minutes and I have go through without any problem. The assessor also give some advice and recommendation for my project. 

Friday, 12 October 2018



Do the preparation for FYP 1 presentation. 
Meet supervisor for preparation of presentation and show slide to Dr Punitha. 
Study and discuss the block diagram of project with Dr Punitha
Study and discuss the flow chart of the project with Dr Punitha

Content : 
Block diagram of the project :

Flow Chart of the Project :

Dr Punitha give some advice and correction for the presentation slide

Saturday, 6 October 2018




1) In this week, all the FYP1 students have attended the last meeting with the coordinator of the subject which are Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran at TTL1. This meeting is regarding of a how to get ready to do a presentation that will be held on Week 13.

2) Study the methodology for the project : listing the component used

There are some contains that must have in the slide presentation : -
—Project Background
—Problem Statement
—Scope and Limitation
—Literature Review
—Block Diagram
—Flow Chart
—Gantt Chart
—Expected Result

List of Component:

  • Arduino Uno
  • MQ-6 (Gas Sensor)
  • MQ-2 (Smoke Sensor)
  • Flame Sensor Moduled
  • Smartphone

Friday, 28 September 2018



As previous week, i have done several thesis to insert into my Literature Review. I have show to my supervisor about my research which is he agree with the thesis that i get. So, by this week , i have found another thesis that is related to my project.

Title of Article : Mobile based Home Automation using IoT
Author : Kumar Mandula, Ramu Parupalli, CH.A.S.Murty et al 

The project is using the Internet of Things and used a microcontroller based Arduino and a smart phone. The project is allowed the users to control the home system such as door, television, lamp, fan, and etc. with the smartphone remotely. The wireless system used in this project is a Bluetooth.  It is the one of small range of wireless system technology. It can only be used in the indoor environment. 

However, the use of Bluetooth wireless communication is limited to use in large range of communications since Bluetooth has a small range. Therefore, from this project, the Bluetooth will be upgraded to WiFi technology for this project. 

From the journals that were discussed in this chapter, the ideas from the journals was combined and improved to fit this project needs. The limitations from the journals will be improved to develop the better project. The selection type of wireless communication system is very important to achieve the objective of the project.   

Friday, 21 September 2018



Activity : 
Research form the previous development related to project

Objective :
To identify what component used to make the project
To improvise the system used in previous journal

Content : 
Title of Article : GSM based Gas Leakage Detection System
Authors : Ashish Shrivastava, Ratnesh Prabhakar, Rajeev Kumar and Rahul Verma

This project is using the microcontroller. MQ-6 is used for detect the gas leakage. The gas sensor MQ-6 will send the signal to the microcontroller, if the gas detected, the main power and gas supply will turn off by stepper motor. the buzzer will also turn on to alert the user, the status of the gas leak will display on LCD (Liquid crystal display and the user will received the warning SMS via GSM module. GSM module is required a sim card to send the SMS.

Title of Article : Gas Leak Detection, Monitoring and Prevention using Zigbee

Authors : Puran Gour and Bhausaheb Sonawane

This project is using ARM microcontroller. When the gas sensor (MQ-6) detect the gas leak, the signal will send to ARM microcontroller. The microcontroller will immediately turn on the buzzer and the exhaust fan will switch on so that the gases will send out. This project also has GPS receiver so user can be informed the location on LCD and PC of gas tanker. The Xbee is used for this project. Xbee is one of Zigbee’s family. It is the low-cost wireless network system.

Saturday, 15 September 2018



As previous week, i have some meeting with my supervisor regarding on Chapter 2. Last week, it was a mid sem break so this week is about a meeting with a Dr.Imran once again with all the students that taking FYP1, This meeting was held in TTL1 with the all the coordinator that involve in FYP1,

Summary of the meeting :
1) In this meeting, Dr. Imran has brief about Literature Review and Methodology.

2) Literature Review :
It has to be at least 10 articles that related to the project that you want to do.
The thesis should be determines what is knownabout a subject,concept or problem.
Determines gaps,consistencies & inconsistencies about the product.
The purpose of Literature Review is to show that you haveread the work of other researchers in my particular area of product.

3) Methodology:
Methodology is divide into 2 which is Qualitative Research and Quantitave Research
Qualitative Research : Investigate the why and how of decision making, not just what, where,when.
Quantitative Research : To develop and employ mathematical models, theories and hypothesis pertaining to phenomena.
Methodology is focusing in Background Knowledge , Sample Preparation, and lastly Data Collection method which is consist of block diagram and flow chart.

Saturday, 1 September 2018



Identify the objective of the project
Identify the significant of project.

Objective of project :
There are three main objectives to the project proposal which are:
i. To implement a gas and fire detection system with Arduino microprocessor for a premise.
ii. To incorporate safety features to control the environment during disaster.
iii. To integrate gas sensing system with IOT for remote sensing application.

Significant of Project :
To providing physical gas leak detection services, this project “IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System’ provide users with fire and gas detectors for work. Gas leakage can cause serious fire crashes. Gas leak cannot be detected by humans quickly. Therefore with this project, it can help detect gas leaks quickly. Hence it also send information directly to users through applications on smartphones using the internet. With the monitoring system, the user can perform an initial step to prevent accidents from happening.  

Friday, 24 August 2018



Activity : 

Finding a source for IoT technology. 

Research the IoT articles.

Objective :

To know detail about IoT.
To apply the IoT to the Project

Content : 

What is Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.

The Internet of Things cycle :

  1.  Collections : Devices and Sensors are collecting data everywhere
  2. Communication : Sending data and events through to some destination
  3. Analysis : Creating information from the data
  4. Action : Taking action based on information and data

Friday, 17 August 2018



Background of Project:
The aim of this report is to describe about the design and progress of the project. Project title is “IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System”. The project aims to prevent hazards in the industry. The main purpose is to prevent fires accident in the industry. The best way to avoid the accidents is to take the first step by detecting the source of the flame which is the gas leakage. This system also can detect a smoke and fire. Smoke detectors are regularly used in buildings, homes, airplanes, and factories. Additionally, this device is to track down the fire that has become ubiquitous. This can be a major disaster if safety procedures are not taken early.

When gas is detected, the exhaust fan automatically opens to release gas outside the affected area. When there is a fire detected, the water sprinkler will turn on. This will give immediate help to the situation. The prevention system can be manually controlled to activate or deactivate the system through applications in smartphones.

Problem Statement :

The current alarm system does not have the ability to alert owner when the owner is away from the industry. For example, when the premise was in a fire accident at the time of no one as midnight when all employees slept at home, they did not know that the premise was burning at that time. they will know when they get to the scene the next day. Next, as a person, they cannot detect the existence of natural gas as soon as the sensors do. Therefore, the use of gas sensing systems is indispensable for providing real-time monitoring of the gas system. Thus, this project can solve this problem as this project can detect the occurrence of natural gas as well as smoke and fire. Additionally, it is also capable of solving this problem with an automated preventive system.

Friday, 10 August 2018



In this week, Dr Punitha registered my name and the title of the project under her supervision on the FYP website. I should be able to check the application status online once the supervisor approved my application. I have now officially under the supervision of Dr Punitha for my FYP. As my supervisor, Dr Punitha will guide me in the project; recommend approaches, techniques and methods appropriate to achieve the project’s objectives.

A successful project needs to have the right steps and approaches for it to be success. I have came out with a list for progress of the project :

  • Study the Internet of Things and application for Industrial Safety System.
  • Research the previous project / articles
  • listing the component and materials for the project
  • Study about block diagram and flow chart for the Project
  • Writing a proposal report

Friday, 3 August 2018


Title : Selecting Title of Project

In this week 2, i have doing some discussion with my supervisor. We have discuss about title of my Final Year Project 1 (FYP1) and little briefing about my project. After much thinking and researching, I have decided to choose my own title. After meeting with my supervisor and discussing, some amendments have to do to the title. 

The first title I proposed to Dr Punitha is Home Automation via IoT. However, Dr Punitha said that the title was to mainstream and not the degree level. Dr Punitha has suggested some title to me to choose. She also give opinion and advice for choosing the title carefully.

After meeting and discussing with supervisor, I proposed another title which is the "IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System"

The synopsis of the project :
•      The project aims in designing a monitoring and safety in industrial using IoT.
•      The intelligent device which performs the project is a Microcontroller.
•      To detect the gas leakage and fire in industrial.
•      Activate the safety feature when there is an hazard

Wednesday, 25 July 2018




Activity :
The first week basically is about the briefing of the FYP 1. The briefing was conducted in TTL G04 and the attendance of all the student that are taking the FYP 1 was compulsory.
The briefing was conducted by Dr. Imran Mohamad Sofi.

Objective :
To know the detail about FYP title.
To determine the requirements needed in FYP.

Content :
In the briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about :
 Credits and duration
Scope of projects
Title selection
Project Assessment
Presentation day
Submission date of project

The title must refelect the capability and knowledge of a degree student and also mus carefully select the title. Student also may select the titile that are offered by supervisor.

Friday, 20 July 2018




I decided to follow my friend to search for lecturers that are still available to be the supervisor for FYP. I chose to have the same lecturers with my friend because it is safer because if anything happens, he can remind me on certain stuff and I can remind him too. It’s basically like working together but on different projects.

So we went to meet one of our  previous lecturer which is Dr Punithavathi D/O M. Thirunavakkarasu. Dr Punithavathi is the senior lecturer in telecommunication section.

Monday, 16 July 2018



My name is Nazmi bin Mohamad Ali (51213116173). I am a student in Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute. My course is Bachelor of Engineering Technology (HONS) in Data Communications. Basically this blog is about my progress report of my Final Year Project. All the works or research that I've made will be updated in this blog. Thank you for visiting my blog.