Friday, 24 August 2018



Activity : 

Finding a source for IoT technology. 

Research the IoT articles.

Objective :

To know detail about IoT.
To apply the IoT to the Project

Content : 

What is Internet of Things?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.

The Internet of Things cycle :

  1.  Collections : Devices and Sensors are collecting data everywhere
  2. Communication : Sending data and events through to some destination
  3. Analysis : Creating information from the data
  4. Action : Taking action based on information and data

Friday, 17 August 2018



Background of Project:
The aim of this report is to describe about the design and progress of the project. Project title is “IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System”. The project aims to prevent hazards in the industry. The main purpose is to prevent fires accident in the industry. The best way to avoid the accidents is to take the first step by detecting the source of the flame which is the gas leakage. This system also can detect a smoke and fire. Smoke detectors are regularly used in buildings, homes, airplanes, and factories. Additionally, this device is to track down the fire that has become ubiquitous. This can be a major disaster if safety procedures are not taken early.

When gas is detected, the exhaust fan automatically opens to release gas outside the affected area. When there is a fire detected, the water sprinkler will turn on. This will give immediate help to the situation. The prevention system can be manually controlled to activate or deactivate the system through applications in smartphones.

Problem Statement :

The current alarm system does not have the ability to alert owner when the owner is away from the industry. For example, when the premise was in a fire accident at the time of no one as midnight when all employees slept at home, they did not know that the premise was burning at that time. they will know when they get to the scene the next day. Next, as a person, they cannot detect the existence of natural gas as soon as the sensors do. Therefore, the use of gas sensing systems is indispensable for providing real-time monitoring of the gas system. Thus, this project can solve this problem as this project can detect the occurrence of natural gas as well as smoke and fire. Additionally, it is also capable of solving this problem with an automated preventive system.

Friday, 10 August 2018



In this week, Dr Punitha registered my name and the title of the project under her supervision on the FYP website. I should be able to check the application status online once the supervisor approved my application. I have now officially under the supervision of Dr Punitha for my FYP. As my supervisor, Dr Punitha will guide me in the project; recommend approaches, techniques and methods appropriate to achieve the project’s objectives.

A successful project needs to have the right steps and approaches for it to be success. I have came out with a list for progress of the project :

  • Study the Internet of Things and application for Industrial Safety System.
  • Research the previous project / articles
  • listing the component and materials for the project
  • Study about block diagram and flow chart for the Project
  • Writing a proposal report

Friday, 3 August 2018


Title : Selecting Title of Project

In this week 2, i have doing some discussion with my supervisor. We have discuss about title of my Final Year Project 1 (FYP1) and little briefing about my project. After much thinking and researching, I have decided to choose my own title. After meeting with my supervisor and discussing, some amendments have to do to the title. 

The first title I proposed to Dr Punitha is Home Automation via IoT. However, Dr Punitha said that the title was to mainstream and not the degree level. Dr Punitha has suggested some title to me to choose. She also give opinion and advice for choosing the title carefully.

After meeting and discussing with supervisor, I proposed another title which is the "IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System"

The synopsis of the project :
•      The project aims in designing a monitoring and safety in industrial using IoT.
•      The intelligent device which performs the project is a Microcontroller.
•      To detect the gas leakage and fire in industrial.
•      Activate the safety feature when there is an hazard