Saturday, 8 June 2019

WEEK 17 (FYP 2)


On this week, i have submit my hardcover thesis and my technical report to the library and the FYP-Cordinator.


-Upload the softcopy to the FYP Unikl online and burn the document in the CD-ROM
In this task, i have submit all the documents in the thesis which is the softcopy of the thesis, technical report, poster presentation, schematic diagram, coding and also product of my project picture. After submitting it, i have do the uploading the document into the CD-ROM for library copy.

-Submit the hardcover Thesis and Technical Report
I have submitted softcopy and hardcopy to my supervisor for him to marking and checking. Next, i have submit all the documents such as hardcover and CD-ROM to the library. The technical report has been submitted to the FYP-Coordinator which is Dr. Imran

 i have settle and done my Final Year Project for the 2 semester which is i very thankful for complete it. I want to say thank you to all the people that always supporting me through up and down especially me family, my supervisor Dr Punitha and also my friends. This project is also make me proud because i have success to build it. Thank you also to all the readers that have been read my journey for completing my Final Year Project which is Development of IoT based Industrial Monitoring and Safety System.


Saturday, 1 June 2019

WEEK 16 (FYP 2)


On this week i have going to verified my thesis with the my supervisor and FYP coordinator before i print out the hardcover.

-Met supervisor and verification at FYP Co-ordinator.
I have giving out one piece of verification form for my supervisor to be filled up to approved my thesis report and as a proved that she is accepting my thesis report to be print out.

-Print out the thesis report.
I have going to print out the hardcover for my thesis report at PRINT EXPERT, Shah Alam.

-Verification hardcover and technical report 
After print out the hardcover, i have giving out the submission form to the FYP co-ordinator which is Dr.Imran to verified my hardcover and thesis content. He is very satisfied with my works and approved my submission the hardcover to the library.

As a conclusion, i have done all thesis works and has been printed out to verify and submit to the library on next week. The FYP Co-ordinator and my supervisor has been so satisfy with all the works that has been done.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

WEEK 15 (FYP 2)


On this week, i have done the correction of my thesis and also checking my plagiarism with my supervisor.


1) Correction of my thesis
I'm so glad to having a very helpful and ambitious supervisor because he have checking my thesis last week. So i have doing the correction at the certain mistakes that i make.

2) Doing a margin by following a format
The Final Year Project coordinator which is Dr.Punitha has giving the FYP thesis format for all the students to followed the guidelines. I have followed the guidelines that has been given and i have shows it to my supervisor and he really satisfied with my works.

3) Checking plagiarism at Turnitin
My supervisor has done checking my plagiarism percentage and it was acceptable because it is under 20%


My supervisor has been satisfied with my works and approved me to print out the hardcover to submitting the FYP thesis.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

WEEK 14 (FYP 2)


On this week , i have focused on doing technical writing (journal) and correcting error in report. . This task is based on my final findings on my prototype and create a compact and good journal..


In this chapter, i have summaries my overall prototype in the journal. All the method and guideline in order to create a own journal have been followed. Any information to be put in the journal have been made successfully.

In this chapter , i have rewrite all the correction of my report including minor error such as margin and grammar error.


I would like to give a big thanks to my supervisor because willing to check and assist me in how to make a good report.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

WEEK 13 (FYP 2)


On this week , i have focused on doing the conclusions and recommendations. This chapter is based on my final findings on my prototype and future improvise that can be doing on my prototype.

In this chapter, i have summarised my overall prototype based on the functionality and the quality of product. The conclusion is include Chapter 1: Introduction , Chapter 2: Literature Review , Chapter 3 : Methodology , Chapter 4: Result and Discussion

In this chapter , i have write all the recommendations that has been suggested by the internal and external assessors in my FYP2 Exhibition Day presentation. The suggestions is to improvise and innovate my project to make it more nice and quality.

My supervisor has satisfied with the work that i have do in the conclusion and recommendations. He also has corrected my minor error in the chapter.

Saturday, 4 May 2019

WEEK 12 (FYP 2)


After complete my presentation last week , it is time to focus on my thesis which is i am doing result and discussion. On this thesis , i have receive a lot of guidance from my supervisor.


In this chapter, i have shown all the tables , bar chart and tabulation data based on my output at my prototype. I also has explained the details of the results to make sure the reader can understand about the output. I am using table to show the difference between the reading and also i am doing the separate tables to indicate green , yellow and red level of reading data.

In this chapter, i have write the flow of my prototype based on my flow chart and block diagram at Chapter 3: Methodology. In this chapter also i have write about the trouble and problem that i have found and succeed to encounter it until i can do the troubleshooting on my prototype

The process to make a chapter 4 and 5 will take a time to finish it in order to explain the result briefly and roughly. This chapter will continue in next week.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

WEEK 11 (FYP 2)



The Final Year Project presentation was conducted at Dewan Gemilang British Malaysian Institute at 8am to 2.00pm.


The figure above shows the profile of the assessor that will assess the student presentation. It should be two assessors, unfortunately, the second assessor is from the industry itself so the second assessor profile cannot be display. The figure below shows the activity takes place during the Industrial day.


To conclude this week activity, the figure given is the proof that the presentation is already taking place successfully as the demonstration of the prototype are also gone through successfully.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

WEEK 10 (FYP 2)


Preparing the poster for presentation.

Content : 
In the poster, it has include :
-Title Project
-Name , ID and Course
-Supervisor Name
-Project Description
-Flow Chart

Saturday, 13 April 2019

WEEK 9 (FYP 2)


In this week after the tehcnical ad software has been done and successful, its time to design the model of the project.

  • To design the model/hardware of the project
  • To make a simple and small protoype

Before build the prototype with actual material, i decided to design the model of the product first. The final product has been sketch. The sktech are shown in figure below :

Design Sketch

After final design was sketch, its time to build the prototype with actual material. 

Conclusion :
The prototype has been built successful and look the same exactly like a sketch design. Now the project is ready to be present on exhibition day.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

WEEK 8 (FYP 2)


This week i will focus on the coding for Arduino IDE, the input and the output pin for the project, and the process of setting up the Blynk app. The parts that will be included are defining the pins of the input and output value. Coding when the input is high and the coding when the input is low. All the coding for the project were constructed one by one according to the step of the project runnin. All of the coding will be program in the arduino to be display as a complete code .

  • To write the coding for nodemcu
  • To setting up the Blynk App
Content : 

Program Code

Picture above is shows the final program code for this projects. The codes has change time to time to get the code works on the project. 

The Blynk app also has been setting up. all the widget in blynk interface has been setup to the pin in nodemcu. the token also has been sent to email and has been write to the code in arduino ide. 

The coding has been test to the project. The coding was successful. Next progress is to design and construct the hardware of this project.

Saturday, 23 March 2019

WEEK 7 (FYP 2)


Activity :
In this week, i decided to construct/connect the component to another since i have done schematic design in last week. the connection will be refer to the schematic design. In this process, i will identified the quality of component whether broken or not. 

  • To connect all component in one circuit
  • To  identify the broken component
Content :

Conclusion :
in conclusion, the objective is achieved. i identified that the relay is no functioning. after that i decided to buy new one. 

Friday, 15 March 2019

WEEK 6 (FYP 2)


Activity :The block diagram has to be redefine to give clearer view of the overall functionality of the system. Schematic design also done in this week. 

Objective :
To identify overall system of the project.
To identify connection between component.


Block Diagram

After the some component was changed and added which is nodemcu and relay, i decided to change the block diagram. the new block diagram is shown in picture above. 
From the block diagram above, the prototype will work when there is signal detected by the sensor. The signal detected in this project is the gas leakage, smoke, or fire at the industry. After the sensor detects the fire or gas leakage beyond safe level, the data will send to Nodemcu microcontroller. Nodemcu microcontroller instantly turn on the prevention system. Exhaust fan will turn on when gas is detected so the gases are sent out to open air, when fire are detected, Nodemcu microcontroller will activate water sprinkler and The Esp8266 which is already built-in on Nodemcu will sends notifications to alert users through mobile apps which are Blynk app.

Schematic Diagram

The MQ-2 sensor which is the gas sensor is connected to analog input of the nodemcu microcontroller. The flame sensor is connected to digital input of the nodemcu microcontroller. If fire is appeared, it will sense the fire and send to nodemcu microcontroller. It will connected to the 2 channel relay module. 2 channel relay module is required for this project. It can control the output. Which means when the gas or fire detect, the relay module will triggered what output should turn on whether water pump or fan. The relay module will connected to digital output of the nodemcu microcontroller. 

This can conclude that the updated block diagram is done and ready to be used on the poster later on an industrial day for presentation

Saturday, 9 March 2019

WEEK 5 (FYP 2)


Activity :
On this week, i have attend the workshop briefing and also update my fyp report on chapter 3 which is methodology. It was a busy week but i managed to encounter the busy in successful ways.

Content :
1) Workshop Briefing 

     This workshop is held at :
     a) Location - TTL 2
     b) Date - 6/3/2019
     c) Time - 3pm - 5pm
     d) Co-ordinator - Dr.Marwangi and Dr. Imran

In this workshop, Dr.Marwangi has teach us how to do the :-
 a) Results & Discussion (Chapter 4)\
 b) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
 c) Abstract in Thesis Writing

Conlusion :

All this week task has been run smoothly and the report also has been update for chapter 3 on component list. The workshop briefing also has been attend and get some input to the report later.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

WEEK 4 (FYP 2)


Activity :
Last week, i bought some component. This week the progress of making prototype is began. After several try and error, I decided to change and add some component. 

List of new component :
  • Nodemcu 
  • Relay 2 Channel


Nodemcu is used in this project as a main brain for the system. It controls the whole process of the system. The Nodemcu is a platform to Internet of Things projects. It is an open source. The nodemcu is includes the firmware which is built-in WIFI EP8266 so it can be connected to internet network. The Nodemcu is provided with the sets of analog and digital input and output. It contains 14 digital ports and only 1 analog ports. The input power is connected to USB port by USB cable. The Nodemcu can be programmed by the computer software which is Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) through a type-B USB cable.


A relay is an electrically operated switch that can be turned on or off, letting the current go through or not, and can be controlled with low voltages, like the 5V provided by the Arduino pins. Controlling a relay module with the Arduino is as simple as controlling any other output as we’ll see later on. This relay module has two channels (those blue cubes). There are other models with one, four and eight channels. This module should be powered with 5V, which is appropriate to use with an Arduino. There are other relay modules that are powered using 3.3V, which is ideal for ESP32, ESP8266, and other microcontroller

The reason of changing the main component from Arduino to Nodemcu is the arduino is hard combine code with wifi module code. After done research and study new component which is nodemcu, it is more easy from the arduino because the nodemcu has built in wifi module (ESP8266) inside the component.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

WEEK 3 (FYP 2)


Activity :

     This week i have listed the component and hardware that need to be purchased, and went to some shop near my house and my campus.

List of cmponent :
  • Arduino Uno
  • Wifi ESP8266
  • Gas Sensor
  • Flame Sensor
  • Wire Jumper

List of shop :
  • ZD Eletronics Enterprise
  • Pzio Electronics Enterprise

1.            To listed and purchased the component and hardware of the project.
2.            To calculate and estimate the budget.

Conclusion :

     After finished the research and study about the component and hardware needed to complete my project last week, this week i have successfully got all of that . So, next week the making of the project can be started.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

WEEK 2 (FYP 2)


 - To briefing of FYP handbook, Project Development, Progress Report, Final Report, Attendance, Assessment forms.

 - This meeting was held was by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.
 - Student need to update the logbook/blog regularly
 - Student must meet supervisor for consultation
 - Attendance that below than 80% will be bared
 - Fyp assessment :

1) Types of Assessments - i) Results & Discussion (Chapter 4)
                                           ii) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
                                           iii) Abstract in Thesis Writing
                                           iv) Exhibition Day (Tips & Tricks) 
                                           v) Final Report & Technical Paper.

2) Marks Weightage - i) Presentation - 35 %
                                   ii) Log Book - 20 %
                                   iii) Report - 35 % 
                                   iv) Technical Paper - 10 %

3) Industry Day (presentation)

  • + presentation and demonstration of Final Year Project II will be on week 14, Wednesday ( 4 January 2017)
  • + Student have to prepare FYP poster, results of project and prototype.


As a conclusion, the briefing was done by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.. The objective was successfully achieved.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

WEEK 1 (FYP 2)


Activity :
The first week of my FYP 2 now begins. So now I need to continue the progress of my project from FYP 1 that have been left before from last Semester.

Objectives :
  •  To introduce the FYP 2.
  • To continue the progress from FYP 1.


Previous FYP 1 progress :

Report :
Chaper 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Literature Review 
Chapter 3 : Methodology

Conclusion :
The project for "Development of Iot base Industrial Monitoring and Safety System" now officially starts. In this progress, it will be add some more content on Chatper 3. And also will add 2 new chapter which is Result and Conclusion.