Saturday 23 February 2019

WEEK 3 (FYP 2)


Activity :

     This week i have listed the component and hardware that need to be purchased, and went to some shop near my house and my campus.

List of cmponent :
  • Arduino Uno
  • Wifi ESP8266
  • Gas Sensor
  • Flame Sensor
  • Wire Jumper

List of shop :
  • ZD Eletronics Enterprise
  • Pzio Electronics Enterprise

1.            To listed and purchased the component and hardware of the project.
2.            To calculate and estimate the budget.

Conclusion :

     After finished the research and study about the component and hardware needed to complete my project last week, this week i have successfully got all of that . So, next week the making of the project can be started.

Saturday 16 February 2019

WEEK 2 (FYP 2)


 - To briefing of FYP handbook, Project Development, Progress Report, Final Report, Attendance, Assessment forms.

 - This meeting was held was by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.
 - Student need to update the logbook/blog regularly
 - Student must meet supervisor for consultation
 - Attendance that below than 80% will be bared
 - Fyp assessment :

1) Types of Assessments - i) Results & Discussion (Chapter 4)
                                           ii) Conclusion (Chapter 5)
                                           iii) Abstract in Thesis Writing
                                           iv) Exhibition Day (Tips & Tricks) 
                                           v) Final Report & Technical Paper.

2) Marks Weightage - i) Presentation - 35 %
                                   ii) Log Book - 20 %
                                   iii) Report - 35 % 
                                   iv) Technical Paper - 10 %

3) Industry Day (presentation)

  • + presentation and demonstration of Final Year Project II will be on week 14, Wednesday ( 4 January 2017)
  • + Student have to prepare FYP poster, results of project and prototype.


As a conclusion, the briefing was done by Dr. Marwangi and Dr.Imran.. The objective was successfully achieved.

Saturday 9 February 2019

WEEK 1 (FYP 2)


Activity :
The first week of my FYP 2 now begins. So now I need to continue the progress of my project from FYP 1 that have been left before from last Semester.

Objectives :
  •  To introduce the FYP 2.
  • To continue the progress from FYP 1.


Previous FYP 1 progress :

Report :
Chaper 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Literature Review 
Chapter 3 : Methodology

Conclusion :
The project for "Development of Iot base Industrial Monitoring and Safety System" now officially starts. In this progress, it will be add some more content on Chatper 3. And also will add 2 new chapter which is Result and Conclusion.